
发布日期:2018-05-23 12:27:38 编辑整理:天津自考网 【字体: 】   【自考招生老师微信】




  Text A  Families


  1. definition  n. 定义,释义

  define  v. 解释;给…定义;明确表示.

  He simply said it was very difficult for him to give a definition for that word.(他只是说要他给那个词下个定义是很困难的。)

  The dictionary gives us several definitions, which makes me more confused about the meaning of this word. (辞典给了我们好几个释义,这使我对该词的意思更加困惑。).

  People define him as a genius. (人们说他是天才。)

  I have already defined my position on that issue. (我已经明确表示了我在这个问题上的立场。)

  2. marriage  n. 婚姻,结婚

  marry  v. 结婚

  married  adj. 结了婚的.

  No one expected that their marriage could break up because of a misunderstanding.(谁也没想到他们的婚姻竟会因为误解而破裂。)

  Her second marriage lasted only 6 weeks. (她的第二次婚姻只维持了六个星期。)

  They are in love with each other and wish to marry. (他们彼此相爱,希望结婚。)

  Her parents said they wouldn't allow her to marry that poor young man.(她的父母说他们不会允许她与那个穷苦的年轻人结婚。)

  He was 35, married with two children. (他35岁,已婚,有两个孩子。)

  She was married to the young artist last month. (她上个月与那位年轻的艺术家结了婚。)

  (请注意:要表述某人同某人结婚,不能用sb. marries / married with sb. else,而应该用sb. marries/married sb. else 或者sb. is/was married to sb. else 来表述。)

  3. descend  v. 下降;传下,遗传;堕落

  descendant  n. 子孙,后裔

  ascend  v. 上升;登高;追溯到某个时期

  ascendant  n. 优势;祖先(与descendant相对而言)  adj. 优势的

  The sun descended behind the hills. (太阳下了山。)

  The customs have descended to our generation. (这些习俗一直传到我们这一代。)


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