
发布日期:2018-05-23 12:27:43 编辑整理:天津自考网 【字体: 】   【自考招生老师微信】




  Text A  Inproving Your Memory


  1. psychological  adj. 心理学的

  Psychological factors often play an important part in winning a competition.


  Make sure all the kids are psychologically healthy.(确保孩子们心理健康。)

  (the person who studies human mind-心理学家)

  在希腊语中,psycho表示“灵魂”,“精神”,“心理”。在英语中,有不少词是用psycho做前缀构成的。除了刚才提到的psychology,psychological, psychologist以外,常见的还有:psychoanalysis(精神分析), psychotherapy(心理疗法)等。

  2. focus  v. (使)聚焦,(使)集中 ( focus on )   n. 焦点,中心.

  He is focusing his eyes on a painting on the wall.(他正注视着墙上的一幅画。).

  Please focus your attention on the main problems.(请把注意力集中在主要问题上。)

  This area became the focus of the world's attention again.(这一地区再次成为世界注意的中心。)

  The 27th Olympic Games is now the focus of people's interest.(眼下第二十七届奥运会是人们兴趣的中心。)

  3. basic adj. 基本的,基础的

  They didn't make any effort to solve the basic economic problems.(他们没有做任何努力去解决基本的经济问题。)

  He even didn't have a basic aim in life.(他连生活的基本目标都没有。)

  There are certain factors that are basic to a good relationship between the two countries.(有些因素对两国之间的良好关系是很重要的。)

  It is necessary to teach them some basic mathematical skills.(教他们一些基本的数学技能是必要的。)

  4. principle  n. 原理,原则;信念  principal adj. 主要的n. 校长,负责人;委托人

  He won't give in as it is a matter of principle.(这是一个原则问题,他不会让步的。)

  The two machines work on the same principle.(这两台机器的工作原理是一样的。)

  No matter what you do, it is important that you have moral principle.(无论你做什么,道义很重要。)


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