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发布日期:2018-05-23 12:29:02 编辑整理:天津自考网 【字体: 】   【自考招生老师微信】


  Lesson Six: a good chance

  1. keep in touch with : contact 保持联系。

  如; Let's keep in touch .让我们保持联系吧。

  Keep in close touch with me. 与我保持密切联系。

  2. (be) in for : certain to undergo 不能避免。

  如: The naughty boy is in for a beating. 淘气的男孩免不了要挨打。

  We are in for a rainy season. 我们不可避免要遭遇雨季。

  It looks as if we're in for stormy weather. 看那样子,似乎我们一定会遇到暴风雨。

  3. reference : a mention , allusion 提及。

  如: The court made numerous references to him as a witness. 法院经常传他去做证人。

  4. in good spirits : 情绪很好。

  spirits : [plural] mood with regard to great happiness or great sadness 情绪。

  如: I hope you will be in better spirits when we meet again. 我希望我们下次见面时你情绪会好些。

  He is so depressed that I wonder who could lift his spirits.


  5. embitter: make bitter and angry 使……怨恨。

  如; Being scolded without good reasons embittered him.


  en-, em(在b,p前) 加在名词或形容词上转成动词。


  enable (使能够) ; enamor 引起……的爱;

  encase 将……装入箱中;enchant 施以魔法,使着迷。

  embody 具体体现; empower 授权; emotionally 使成紫色。

  6. agitate : to disturb or excite emotionally 使不安,使兴奋。

  如: His fiery speech agitated the crowd. 他的激情演讲让听众大为兴奋。

  He was explaining the situation in an agitated manner. 他兴奋地说明着当时的情形。

  Agitate oneself over …… 为……独自焦虑。

  如: Don't agitate yourself over such a thing. 不要为这种事焦虑。

  7. know of his whereabouts 知道他的下落。

  a) know of : have heard about 听说过,知道(有……)。

  如: Do you know of any cinema in this neighborhood


  I know of a shop where you can get things like this.


  I don't know him, but I know of him.


  b) whereabouts : the place where a person or thing is 下落,去向。

  如: I'm still in the dark about his whereabouts.


  8. inch : move by small degrees 缓慢行进。

  如: The children inched through the traffic.


  I inched my way through the narrow space been the trucks.

  9. tentative : a) of the nature of an experiment 试验性的;

  b) unsure , not definite , hesitant 犹豫。

  a tentative arrangement 临时安排/a tentative offer 试验性建议

  10. scoff at : mock at ; jeer at : 嘲笑,嘲弄。

  如: You should not scoff at others' belief. 你不能嘲笑别人的信仰。

  11. end up : reach a final state or condition 最后(有了某种结局),最后。

  如: If you drive so rashly, you will end up in hospital.


  He ended up tired and broke. 他最后累垮了,破产了。

  12. associate with : keep company with 与……陪伴。

  如: He didn't allow his daughter to associate with anyone who smoked or drank.


  Whitman always associated with the working masses.


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